“You are one of a kind. I first wish to thank you for what you do; you fulfill a desire that cannot be sated anywhere else.”

"You are one of a kind. I first wish to thank you for what you do; you fulfill a desire that cannot be sated anywhere else."


My Poisonous Lips Seduce a New Victim

Beware the hot redhead, the uber seductress you spot in a crowded bar. She's stealing the show for a reason. She's the queen of tease and sex appeal for her experiences... and victims. Caught within the range of her pheromone dust  Read more...

You’re More Like a Bat BOY than Bat “Man!”

Ah, it's so good to see you all tied up in my possession. I have you all to myself now... we're going to have some fun! Wait... are you... could it be? You're a SHRIMP!! And all this time, I  Read more...

My Poisonous Lips Lure Superman to His Doom

I already know how all this ends... it always ends the same way, even though you men just never seem to figure it all out. Is it because you're run by your cocks? Read more...

Where My Real Power Lies

Oh, I'm just a hopeless, hapless damsel in distress, calling out for my big hero to come and save me... or am I? Well, maybe I am just in disguise, hiding my own superheroine outfit in favor of beckoning a superhero my way.  Read more...

“Super Mega Man” Solution Turns Out to Be the Perfect Formula for Your Feminization

You couldn't help yourself. You just had to volunteer yourself to try the newly created Super Mega Man formula for growing taller, bigger muscles, and stronger. The female scientist who developed the formula revealed, just before you committed yourself to the experiment,  Read more...

My Massive Cleavage Is the Secret to Making Your Cock Grow as Big as I Wish

I've been waiting for this moment. You finally have a chance to webcam with me, and I get to try out my new hypnotherapy techniques on you! Remember how we were talking about how you wish you could have a larger cock?  Read more...

You’re Going to Tie Yourself Up for a Big Reward

Mmmm... you're in for a treat tonight! I know that look in your eye... I've got just what you want. Strike that. You NEED it! Follow my instructions and we'll have some serious fun. I'm taking the dominant role  Read more...

Sneak a Peek at Me Pulling My Pantyhose Down

I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go! I can't get to the restroom fast enough... and I have NO idea you're following me up the stairs to sneak a peek! You naughty boy... it's a good thing I don't catch you  Read more...