“You’re the only person in the world that could make me be so dirty.”

"You're the only person in the world that could make me be so dirty."

Big Cock Praise

Come to Momma!

Honey... I'm sure your date didn't reject you because of... because of... because you have a cock that's TOO BIG. That just can't be. Just not possible. Read more...

I Found Your Superman Costume; Now, I Want a Piece of Your Super Cock

I just had to do it... to follow my hunch. There was something different about you... something fit and toned hiding under those slouchy office clothes... something different about the way you separated yourself from everyone else in the office. I just  Read more...

The Impossible Request – Part 3

I know it will be even harder to get it up a third time, but we absolutely must try, honey. I'm ill, baby, and I need to get better. Please, please try to come again for your mother. But... my mouth  Read more...

The Impossible Request – Part 2

Oh, don't get dressed just yet, honey!! The doctor said I need three back-to-back servings of your milk! It's the only way to cure my illness. See my doctor's note?! Bring your beautiful cock back to your mother's mouth, and  Read more...

The Impossible Request – Part 1

I just got back from the doctor, and I have something to tell you, honey... The doctor says that I have a heart condition and that the medication needed to cure it is experimental and costs in the thousands. I know... it's  Read more...

Following Doctor’s Orders to Cope with the Growing Demands of My Overdeveloped StepSon

We absolutely must make an appointment with the doctor. I just don't know how to handle my stepson's constantly erupting cock anymore. It's growing larger, needier, and even though I've done absolutely everything the doctor so expertly guided me to do, it  Read more...

Handling the Demands of My Overdeveloped StepSon’s Needs on Family Movie Night

It's so nice for all three of us to spend some quality time together. Things have been so... awkward lately. My stepson's medical issues with his overdeveloped cock just aren't subsiding and his needs are exhausting me... not to mention how difficult  Read more...

My Overdeveloped StepSon’s Enormous Needs Erupt in Public

Oh, no, not HERE, honey!!! You can't... I can't... there are people around!! Oh gosh, oh gosh, how could this happen? I don't know what affects you so much; I don't know why your oversized manhood has grown erect right here  Read more...

Caring for My Overdeveloped StepSon in Every Way I Know How

Oh, dear. Now, honey, I... can't you see that I'm in the middle of washing the dishes?! Look at me... I'm all covered in suds and soap, up to my elbows in rubber gloves, and I just dropped that darn dish and  Read more...