“You have a great talent for role playing!”

"You have a great talent for role playing!"

Transformation Fantasy

You’ve Messed with the Wrong Woman

Oh, did I look like a submissive little secretary to you? Did you think you could take advantage of me, get off on spying on me, harass me at the work place, and fulfill your voyeur fetishes? Oh, no, you've got the  Read more...

Dangerous in Pink

I couldn't believe I was dragged to this new department store to look at GIRLY clothes. Ew! That's not at all my style. I'm shy, quiet, coy... so "plain Jane" and not at all into frilly, prissy, SEXY, girly stuff.   Read more...

Showing Off My Newfound Super Strength

Can it be? Can my body really transform in mere moments? Can my tired, dorky, underdeveloped, lazy, out-of-shape, and hopeless self be changed into a... a... a superheroine?!? Is it possible? I can barely believe it... just this morning, I  Read more...

The Day I Completely Lost All Beauty and Decorum

I had everything to lose but no idea that it was actually possible to lose it all. I was beautiful, blonde, tall, lean, slinky, toned, tanned, confident, poised, well spoken.... well, maybe a bit ditzy, a bit shallow, a bit naive.... and then  Read more...

You Got Me Pregnant!

It's so unfair! How did this happen to me?? Oh, don't give me that look! Yes, of course, it was YOUR fault... your COCK's fault! I was taking every precaution, but I guess it just wasn't enough against the effects  Read more...

Transformed from a Social Reject to a Brainless Pageant Contestant

Oh gosh, oh gosh! Am I really here?! I'm on stage! So may people are watching me... I have my own AUDIENCE! Hello, everyone!! I'm... I'm so honored to be here. I've never been in a beauty pageant  Read more...

Bewitched by All Your Fantasies Rolled into One

Seeking a solution to all your woes? Can't come like you used to? Having problems getting aroused in your day to day life? No man should go without the enjoyment of a raging hard on. And he certainly shouldn't have  Read more...

My Biggest Wish GROWS Out of Hand

No, you don't understand what I once was... how could you?? I was depressed, anguished, tired of being the brunt of every joke or not even noticed at all. I was tired of never fitting in, being laughed at, and considered completely  Read more...

Women Shouldn’t Play with Experimental Things

Just another day at the office? Just another board meeting? No, this is an invention you've always wanted to witness in action yourself. Can it be? Is it really this easy? The doctor is nowhere in sight, but his  Read more...

Overwhelmed by the Gift of My New Superpower

I can do anything... ANYTHING!! I feel so confident, so sexy, so unbelievably powerful. The possibilities are infinite... the world is MINE! Well, I may be getting carried away... I just can't help it. You don't realize how or who  Read more...