“I have bought a couple of your clips and was blown away by how engaging, intelligent, witty and insightful you are. Add that with your extreme beauty and that makes for a deadly combination.”

"I have bought a couple of your clips and was blown away by how engaging, intelligent, witty and insightful you are. Add that with your extreme beauty and that makes for a deadly combination."


What If You Woke Up in My Gorgeous Body…

You fall unconscious in a haze of desire and sexual excitement: the hottest MILF you've ever seen right there at your fingertips, taking you home with her, and lusting after you just as much as you are her... You wake alone. You  Read more...

“Super Mega Man” Solution Turns Out to Be the Perfect Formula for Your Feminization

You couldn't help yourself. You just had to volunteer yourself to try the newly created Super Mega Man formula for growing taller, bigger muscles, and stronger. The female scientist who developed the formula revealed, just before you committed yourself to the experiment,  Read more...