“There are so many free videos out there, but your videos are the best and I just have to own them myself.”

"There are so many free videos out there, but your videos are the best and I just have to own them myself."


I Found Your Superman Costume; Now, I Want a Piece of Your Super Cock

I just had to do it... to follow my hunch. There was something different about you... something fit and toned hiding under those slouchy office clothes... something different about the way you separated yourself from everyone else in the office. I just  Read more...

Overwhelmed by the Gift of My New Superpower

I can do anything... ANYTHING!! I feel so confident, so sexy, so unbelievably powerful. The possibilities are infinite... the world is MINE! Well, I may be getting carried away... I just can't help it. You don't realize how or who  Read more...

I’ve Got to Have More of Your Seductive Super Seed

I can't BELIEVE Ultraman managed to drain all my newfound powers by tricking me into drinking a reversal potion! Now, I'm chained up, bereft, done for. Or... well, he may have managed to take away the superpowers I'd sucked right out of  Read more...

My Poisonous Lips Lure Superman to His Doom

I already know how all this ends... it always ends the same way, even though you men just never seem to figure it all out. Is it because you're run by your cocks? Read more...

My Poisonous Lips Seal Batman’s Fate

Hmmmm... what do we have here?? Yes, you're just what I've been waiting for... my Batman come to save me. Finally? Oh, no? Am I wrong? Are you still frightened of me? Still hesitant? Well, now, be  Read more...