“Besides being incredibly gorgeous, you’ve got natural acting ability. The scripts are fun and creative. Thank you for doing things right.”

"Besides being incredibly gorgeous, you've got natural acting ability. The scripts are fun and creative. Thank you for doing things right."

Oh, Your Cock Is Way Too Big Now!


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10 August 2017

You know, at first, I was so surprised by your growing cock. I mean, it was bulging from your pants from the beginning. When I discovered you continue to grow and grow and GROW as you get turned on… well, that’s just so flattering! I had to play it up, had to encourage you. After all, I LOVE big cocks! Soft or hard, you just kept growing… and growing… and then, well, what good at all is a “humongous” size?!

I mean, seriously! Your cock just turned positively laughable… too big for any use whatsoever, way too heavy, hanging so low. It was SO big compared to everything around me… doesn’t fit my mouth anymore, would NEVER fit in my tender little pussy now, and it’s too heavy for even you to jerk off! I just can’t stop humiliating you for your huge cock!!