“I have sampled a number of MI videos from other actresses. Your voice is natural and has an extra “knowing” edge that never becomes cynical. This is a rare thing.”

"I have sampled a number of MI videos from other actresses. Your voice is natural and has an extra "knowing" edge that never becomes cynical. This is a rare thing."


The Tainton Zone – Episode 15: Desperate Measures

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed  Read more...

The Tainton Zone – Episode 10: The Fountain of Bottomless Youth

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension ó a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed  Read more...

You’re Good for Nothing and Now you’re Reduced to Being the Little One You Act Like

You did what?!?!? Oh my GOD!! I can't count on you for ANYTHING! You're a good for nothing son of a .....what in the world am I doing with you? You're not a boyfriend; you're a pitiful little kid!   Read more...

Knocking My Small-Dicked Cuckold Boyfriend Down to Size – Part 3

So, how are you adjusting to your tiny little body? Loving those diapers on your powdered bum? Enjoying the view from the floor as you crawl around at my feet? Look who's all helpless now! Your body matches your immaturity.  Read more...

You’ve Regressed and Are Wetting the Bed; I’m Going to Completely Retrain You

What.... Is that?!?! Oh, my god!!! You wet the bed! See that wet spot that creeped all the way over to my side of the bed?? It soaked my sheets! And my thighs!! How could you?!? I've  Read more...

Time for Your Weekly Escort Appointment to Be Coddled by Your Mummy-for-Hire

It's just about time for my standing appointment... just need to apply my dark red shade of motherly lipstick and tie my frilly apron around my waist... my client should be here any moment. He's such a joy to play with every week  Read more...

Teasing and Reassuring My Big Momma’s Boy Sitting on Momma’s Warm Lap

Where's my sweet big boy? Are you hiding from your momma again... always playing games... There you are! Come here and sit on momma's lap. Now, be gentle and don't wiggle too much; you're very big and your momma's very small!  Read more...

If You’re Going to Act Like a Baby, Mommy Is Going to Have to Treat You Like One! – Day 3

Come here. We need to have a little talk. Now, does that look on your face mean what I think it means? Ah ha! That's why I already marked the calendar with a big thick "W" for your wet baby  Read more...