“The quality of your videos goes far beyond the standard. You’ll be able to last a very long time if you choose to.”

"The quality of your videos goes far beyond the standard. You'll be able to last a very long time if you choose to."


It Can Happen So Fast When It’s Your First Time

It happened so fast and yet... we didn't see it coming. I didn't. My son couldn't have. It started so innocently... Read more...

A Tickling, Teasing, Luxurious Tuck-in for My Sweet Boy

I love tucking in my good little boy. I love your sweet little face and giving you a big kiss before you drift off to sleepy land. I love having those final few moments with you to tell you how much I  Read more...

You Can’t Hide Anything from Me for Long

What's up, squirt? Nice boxers. ha ha! What are those? Cartoon characters? Aren't too old for that! Good thing you've never been naked like that in front of a real girl. ha ha! Eh, you know  Read more...

My Voluptuous Ass and Toned Legs Get You Off as I’m Tormented by Tickling

Is this what you want? Oh, I know it is... I can't catch a breath, I have no idea what's happening to me, I can't control it, and I just can't help pumping, gyrating, wiggling, wriggling, and squirming to give you the best  Read more...

My Revisit Will Leave You Wet

Look at you... still lying here in the hospital like a complete invalid. They have you all bound up in a full body cast with only your poor hands and feet to move freely! Aw... what would you do without my visits  Read more...

Pleasantly Forcing You to Feel that Holiday Cheer

Of course, I tied you up while you were napping! You have no holiday cheer! You SHOULD be excited about the holiday season, showing me some sexy cheery happiness! How can I get it out of you? You're all vulnerable  Read more...

My Shrunken Boyfriend Tickles My Nose to His Sneezed Doom

Now, where have you gone?? You know I can find you easily when you're so small! You have to take better care of yourself and look after yourself. I can't watch you all day and all night. Come here then.  Read more...

Forcing You to Pee on Yourself with a Hard Cock

Aw, look at you all strung up in your hospital bed with full leg and arm casts, nothing but your bare feet and hands sticking out. You poor thing! I'm so glad I rushed over to visit you and help put a  Read more...

Breaking in My Borrowed Slave Day 4: Tempting You with My Luscious Legs for a Permissable Orgasm

It's obvious that you're beginning to grow on your new, stand-in mistress. Only a few more days left together, and she's been growing more and more fond of you, needing you for this or that, and finding clever, sexy ways to fill your  Read more...