“You are my absolute favourite ‘instructor’. I love the way you talk and love your voice. You also send a nonjudgement vibe which I like, some sort of kindness. That’s what MOST of your colleague’s lack.”

"You are my absolute favourite 'instructor'. I love the way you talk and love your voice. You also send a nonjudgement vibe which I like, some sort of kindness. That's what MOST of your colleague's lack."

Object Transformation

You’re Finally Useful as My Self-Cleaning Panties

Have I got your attention NOW?!? I can't BELIEVE you got off right on my ass in the middle of the night! Only your small dick could've managed to come on my ass crack without me even waking up!! You're so  Read more...

You’re Just My Shoe and Nothing More

I love days like this: spending money, shopping for sexy shoes, and... turning my slave into an object for my frivolous use. Don't attract too much attention, don't speak out of turn, and definitely don't remind me how useless you really are when  Read more...

You Bore Me No Matter What You Are

*Yawn* I'm so bored. Really, terribly, dreadfully BORED. There's nothing to do, no entertainment, and you just don't meet my needs. If I call you in here, will you entertain me? Will you make me feel like this relationship isn't  Read more...

You’re Now Going to Be Some Other Woman’s Mere Accessory

Well, you know what would happen if new jewelry came into my life... and a new boyfriend. You've been my watch for a year now. Did you see the new bracelet my boyfriend gave me for our one-year dating anniversary? It's  Read more...

Be Careful What You Wish for, Ass Lover

So many surprises await you: the night of your life perhaps. What's your deepest motivation? To be as near as possible to my gorgeous ass? Of course, I'm going to notice you staring at mine... I can tell you love these  Read more...

I Have the Perfect Punishment in Mind for your Crimes

Ah ha! You thought you could actually just waltz right into my own home and take anything you wanted? I can't wait to ask you later if it was all worth it. Ha! Oh, stop fidgeting. I only have  Read more...

Misusing You for My Own Benefit until You’re All Used Up

I'm so sorry. I did it again, didn't I? I didn't even THINK to ask you first. I should've had your permission before changing you into something different entirely and taking away your own body. Maybe it would've been polite  Read more...

Doomed to a Life as My Stinky Sweaty Sneakers

That was SUCH a good run! I feel invigorated! And I'm sweating like a hog! Ooops... I told you I'd change you back today! I totally forgot! My gosh... you've been suffering as my new pair of sneakers for a  Read more...

You Bore Me… So I’m Going to Make You Useful

So, when are you going to spend some time with me? I've been waiting forever for you to finish working, to put everything down, and focus on ME. When are you going to devote some quality moments to your sweetheart? I've  Read more...

Tricking You into Believing Its Your Own Choice to Be My Balloon Play Toy for Life

Oh, come on. It won't hurt a bit. I... uh.... I promise! hee hee hee It'll just be for a minute. It'll feel REALLY good! All you have to do is sit there, and I'll do the rest...  Read more...