“I have to say that your videos are absolutely incredible! I love the sound of your voice, and the sultry coy look in your eyes.”

"I have to say that your videos are absolutely incredible! I love the sound of your voice, and the sultry coy look in your eyes."

Big Breasts

Up for another Arm Wrestling Match?

Look at you... home from the gym and trying to show off what you call "muscles." PUH-LEASE! Those aren't muscles... that's flab. I don't know why you even try. You might as well save all that money on your gym  Read more...

Your Virginity and Down-Curved Dick Are Exposed by Your Powerful Date

We're on a hot date... and I can't wait to get your clothes off! You seem hesitant... are you a virgin? You are?!?? How can that be? You're not going to chicken out on me, are you? Don't you  Read more...

Chowing Down on Masses of Miniature Men

Hmmm... look what we have here: one of my little men on the loose and standing below me all defiantly. What do you think you're going to do? Threaten me? Escape my grasp? You know I'm on the prowl now.  Read more...

Does It Hurt More When I Crush You if I Make You Wait for It?

I'm having the very best time of my life just chatting with my girlfriend on the phone... we both LOVE little shrimp men, of course. We both love to catch them, chase them, torment them... and CRUSH them. We're always comparing collections  Read more...

You’re Invited to Watch Me Prep My Tight Muscles for Competition

I'm working hard... to make my muscles even harder! I've got a big competition coming up... I have to practice my routine, my sexy poses, my muscle bulging stances, and pump, pump, pump my muscles up all the more! I'm not sure  Read more...

Dreaming of My Giantess Fetish

Oh, I woke up and, seemingly, not a single inch bigger! That's so disappointing. I keep wishing and hoping and praying... I just love to imagine how incredibly sexy and truly inspiring it would be to wake up as a sleek, sexy,  Read more...

Coming Hard, Coming Twice through My Panties

I'm stealing a moment for myself... all alone in my bedroom with a big ol' bed to myself as well. This is a private moment, for my pleasure only. I feel so sexy in my satin negligee, my loose, silky panties pressing  Read more...

Falling for the Sexy Female Face in the Mirror

The moment I set eyes on her... I just had to have a taste. Yes, I know it was myself... my long blond hair and cleavage, my pouty mouth and sexy eyes. But... what would it be like to kiss a girl?  Read more...

Following in Your Dad’s Footsteps – Part 3

How do you feel today, my little friend? Missing your farther who is no more? Worried that you'll fall victim to the same fate? Nonsense. I like you. And your current size is so cute. I know, I  Read more...

Your Favorite Twins Gang Up on Santa to Unleash His Naughty Nature

It MUST be Christmas. How else can you have TWO sexy twins dressed in their holiday best ready to use all their charm and feminine wiles to seduce you? Yes, YOU. Santa's work has never been this easy, never come with  Read more...