“Thank you, I haven’t had this much fun masturbating in quite a while.”

"Thank you, I haven't had this much fun masturbating in quite a while."

Big Breasts

Getting Inside Her Head Goes Too Deep

It's just another day on the beat, just a quick check into a local household for a perpetrator known for criminal activity. She doesn't appear to be home so... I'll have a look around. What a dump... what a life this woman  Read more...

I Own Your Orgasms: Session 5

Yes... I own them. Yes... I own YOU. I love making you work for what you most want. I love how you hand over the fate of your very pleasure to me without hesitation. I know you love the mystery,  Read more...

Feel That, Baby? I’m Making Your Cock GROW

It's happening. Can you feel it? Do you see your cock growing BIGGER? I'm doing that to you, baby. You're growing right in your own hands... in my hands... between my breasts. You're getting bigger... bigger still. You're  Read more...

I’m Here to Make You All Pay

Look what we have here... five deviants... five perverts... five good-for-nothing men who are all guilty of various crimes. No, don't get too excited. This isn't your luckiest day, your fantasy come true. No, no, no. This is the day  Read more...

I Want You to Feel Truly Loved…

I don't know what to say... But your diary says it all. It's all right here, on these pages, in your own handwriting. Read more...

This Time, You’re Not Coming before the End of My Video

Oh, yes. I know what you've been up to... what you HAVEN'T been doing. I have to make sure you're not actually coming BEFORE the end of my videos... ARE you?? No, no, no... you're ruining all the fun. You  Read more...

Masters Marathon: Hold Your Breath, Hold Your Cock, and I Hold Your Orgasm

Welcome to the Masters Marathon: king of all masturbation challenges, the most serious jerk off instruction series of them all. Welcome to the big leagues. This is your ultimate challenge, your very destiny. Oh, you may have attempted your preferred editions  Read more...

Caught in the Act and at Your Mercy… or Am I?

I'm busted! I thought you and your wife weren't home, that the contents of your bedside safe would be all mine, but you caught me red-handed! I found myself at your mercy, caught in the act, and nothing to defend myself against  Read more...

Deepening Your Addiction to Me

We know you need me. You want me. You can't have enough of me. That's why you watch my videos. That's why you keep coming back for more. You never get enough. You always need more. Read more...