“You do an excellent job, and you have a beautiful voice and a stunning body. Just the perfect encouragement needed to make things happen.”

"You do an excellent job, and you have a beautiful voice and a stunning body. Just the perfect encouragement needed to make things happen."

side boob

Your Most Humiliating Orgasm Yet

You just can't get enough, can you? You want me to demand that you embarrass yourself... for your pleasure AND your pain. You want me to name one nasty task after another. You want to feel REALLY dirty. You want  Read more...

Your Compliments Always Make Me Want to Give You More, More, More…

I've been paid a new, sexy compliment... can you guess yet another feature of my womanly body I've been complimented on all the more? Oh, had I any idea what you love... what ELSE you love about me... you know I would've granted  Read more...

The Boobs Out Bounce-Out!

HUGE NATURAL TITS. They can't be controlled; they can't be contained. They certainly don't tend to stay inside shirts, blouses, tops, LINGERIE. They like to be free. Read more...

Taking You to the Darkest Depths of Your Own Depravity

Let's not waste any time. I want you to relax... just lie back, rest your weary body, and focus on the sound of my voice... I'm going to spend a lot of time with you, really focus on guiding you toward a deep  Read more...

My Poor, Desperate, Frustrated Stepson…

Out of everything in your life, there's only ONE thing you're sure of: you're permanently desperate, permanently frustrated, permanently HARD now that you're new stepmother has moved in. Read more...

High-Speed Masturbation Marathon: Busty Edition

It's time to challenge your award-winning stamina with the breastiest, bustiest, chestiest marathon yet! I'm breaking out my BIG GUNS this time to really test your endurance. You're going to stop and go, speed up and slow down, and beat that meat  Read more...