“I just found your site and have to say I cannot get enough of you!!!”

"I just found your site and have to say I cannot get enough of you!!!"

mutual orgasm

I Want You to Feel Truly Loved…

I don't know what to say... But your diary says it all. It's all right here, on these pages, in your own handwriting. Read more...

We’ve Got All Weekend

I'm house sitting for your mom over the weekend... and oh, boy, the look on your face when you came home from college and saw your aunt running around the house! Not my fault that my sister didn't tell you she asked me to  Read more...

Crossing the Line

You could say it began when I accidentally walked in on you... found you masturbating... saw you with MY pantyhose... heard you moan "Mommy"... No. No, it began way before that. It started when your father walked out on us when I was pregnant  Read more...