“Being natural, going with the flow and having fun with the performance makes yours special. I get a sense that you truly love what you’re doing.”

"Being natural, going with the flow and having fun with the performance makes yours special. I get a sense that you truly love what you're doing."


Getting Inside Her Head Goes Too Deep

It's just another day on the beat, just a quick check into a local household for a perpetrator known for criminal activity. She doesn't appear to be home so... I'll have a look around. What a dump... what a life this woman  Read more...

Abusing My Badge to Force My Horny Feet upon You

You're under arrest! A burglary in this location has been reported. An intruder was seen entering this room from the window. You thought you could escape the law? Actually assumed you could get away with it? Oh, no, not  Read more...

Taking Advantage of You When You’re Most Vulnerable

Oh, my gosh!! Are you all right??! I saw your house is a mess... your front door was wide open! What are you doing all tied up? Have you been robbed? Oh, my gosh! I should untie you...  Read more...