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"I just found your site and have to say I cannot get enough of you!!!"

Your Sexy StepMom Teaches You How to Masturbate


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28 March 2009

There, there. It’s perfectly okay now. Really. I know what’s been happening to you at school and why you’ve gotten in trouble. Now, your father may be away on business right now, but we can take care of this.

I’m just going to explain how you can take care of that little problem. There’s no need to be embarrassed. I’m your step mother and know just how to handle these things. Now, you’re going to be a big boy for me, and show you can take care of yourself and prevent that little problem in your pants when you’re walking through the halls at school.

Just pull your pants down for me, and I’ll show you how to handle that growing penis of yours. My… your father would be very proud of how big yours is!