“I have bought a couple of your clips and was blown away by how engaging, intelligent, witty and insightful you are. Add that with your extreme beauty and that makes for a deadly combination.”

"I have bought a couple of your clips and was blown away by how engaging, intelligent, witty and insightful you are. Add that with your extreme beauty and that makes for a deadly combination."

premature ejaculation humiliation

You’re STILL a Virgin?!

Were you just... WHY did you run away and HIDE from me!?!? You're such a strange one. I have the weirdest nephew in the world. Did you want to ask me something? Then, why were you out there standing over me silently while I  Read more...

Making You Come in Less than a Minute and Berating You for your Premature Ejaculation

You poor thing... you have a hard on already! Is it because I'm working in the kitchen in high heels and a string bikini? Or wearing this delicate little apron tied around my bare waist? I don't mind if you want  Read more...