“You are one of a kind. I first wish to thank you for what you do; you fulfill a desire that cannot be sated anywhere else.”

"You are one of a kind. I first wish to thank you for what you do; you fulfill a desire that cannot be sated anywhere else."

Fat Encouragement

Joking About My New Jiggle? You’re Fattening Up Too, and It Turns Me On

How long have you been standing there?? And watching me TRY to squeeze into my tight panties and bra this whole time! Shame on you... and your giggling at me! I know... you like my pudge and love seeing me fatten  Read more...

You Want MORE Candy, Fatty? Be Careful What You Ask For

Did I hear "trick or treat?" Mmm... what have we here? I bet you want some candy, don't you! I can tell by the looks of your big, fat belly peering at me through your costume? Now, what are you  Read more...