“I have bought a couple of your clips and was blown away by how engaging, intelligent, witty and insightful you are. Add that with your extreme beauty and that makes for a deadly combination.”

"I have bought a couple of your clips and was blown away by how engaging, intelligent, witty and insightful you are. Add that with your extreme beauty and that makes for a deadly combination."

Ripping My Brand New Nylon Bodysuit and Stockings to Shreds


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3 August 2009

How do you like my new lingerie? Do you love it? Don’t you just love sexy, tight nylons? My new bodysuit fits me so tightly… and so do these enticing matching thigh high stockings.

Oh, wait! Oh darn. There’s a little hole in the side! Well, it’s completely ruined now. I know! I’ll just make something brand new out of it… I’m going to rip it to shreds with my own fingers and nails.

It looks really sexy now! Almost ripped completely off my body and showing off my curves all the better. What do you think of my outfit now??