“What sets you apart from other more pedestrian performers is your voice, natural attitude and innate sexiness.”

"What sets you apart from other more pedestrian performers is your voice, natural attitude and innate sexiness."

I Hope You’re Happy


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21 July 2020

You… I could KILL you! No, no, I’m just joking. It’s not YOUR fault. It’s mine! …for just barging into your bedroom and doing my thing: buzzing around, doing your laundry, blabbing about nothing. I can’t help myself!

I can apologize forever for just sitting down and playing around and… I still don’t know really how I turned you on!! Just by… being myself?? And I’m your *mother*!

Ah, the mysteries of the universe. I’ll never understand you men fully. hee hee hee What’s done is done and… well, I just hope you’re happy about it!