“It goes without saying that your irresistible quality takes me to new heights and that is something that is invaluable.”

"It goes without saying that your irresistible quality takes me to new heights and that is something that is invaluable."

Happy Birthday, I Love You SO Very Much


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28 June 2016

Happy birthday!!!!! I brought you breakfast… in bed!! Oh, aren’t you excited that it’s your birthday?! Finally?!

I love you soooo sooooo much… I’m so proud of you… you’re such a great son… and… well, I have a VERY special gift for you. Yes, I do. It’s something that I know you want, but you’re too shy to ask for.

I’m your mom, and I know EVERYTHING about you… EVERYTHING that you want. Would you like me to tell you what my special gift for you is? Are you ready for it??