“I think it’s really chill that you write back to fans. It shows how real and down to earth you are.”

"I think it's really chill that you write back to fans. It shows how real and down to earth you are."

A Slew of Dusty Sneezes Gives Away My Secret Hiding Spot


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13 September 2009

Quick! I have to hide from my jealous girlfriend! She’s not very happy right now… I’ve got to find a place to hide! I’ll duck tightly into a corner on the floor and…. wait. Shhh!! I can’t give away my spot. I hate it when she’s mad like this!

Ooooh… what’s that tickling my nose?? oooh, oooh, oooh!!! I think I’m going to sneeze! I can’t possibly… I’ll be in trouble then. Big trouble!

Maybe it’ll go away if I wrinkle my nose, if I wiggle my nose, if I hold my finger under my nose, or if I pinch my nose closed with my fingers? I’m desperate to kill this urge to sneeze! Oh, no… here it comes!!!

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