“PERFECT! So sexy the way you were talking about your lust for power and then describing what it felt like….holy shit! Totally stupefied.”

"PERFECT! So sexy the way you were talking about your lust for power and then describing what it felt like....holy shit! Totally stupefied."

Lingerie Sales Girl Delights in Giving You a Silky Panty Handjob


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30 September 2010

Can I help you, Sir? What might you be looking for today? Selecting a beautiful piece of lingerie for your girlfriend? Or your wife, perhaps? I would love to assist you. Just what do you have in mind? Looking for anything in particular? I can show you the full selection we have here… do you prefer a thong, bikini, or boy short cut? Lace or flowers? A particular color? How about transparency, is that a concern of yours?

We’ll definitely be able to make the perfect selection today. Or… oh… I think I haven’t been doing my job well. I, um, it’s obvious to me now that… well, you’re actually shopping for YOURSELF today, aren’t you!! Oh, my. Well, that is definitely interesting… and a very sexy thought. What kind of panties do you like to wear, Sir? I’m sure I have just what you prefer, to your own particular taste?

Let’s choose something from the display here, a couple pairs perhaps, and then I’ll direct you to the back of the store there for a private dressing room. Oh, I would love to assist you. In fact, I insist! You must have a proper fit. Now, go ahead and try on this pair, Sir. Turn around for me? Ah, yes… I knew you would enjoy that smooth feel and silky finish!

If only your erect cock wasn’t protruding from the front waistband like that… hee hee hee. I just, well, would like to see my own panties, Sir? I can just lift up my skirt and… it is really warm in here with the two of us snuggled into a tight space together. I’m just going to remove my blouse… and my bra and… I just, I just have to massage your cock for you. Do you mind?

And if I just wrap this especially silky pair around your cock like this… how does this feel???