“You brought to life a couple of my clip suggestions with stunning, detailed awesomeness and I’ve gotten very deep, excruciating enjoyment out of them as I hope others have as well.”

"You brought to life a couple of my clip suggestions with stunning, detailed awesomeness and I've gotten very deep, excruciating enjoyment out of them as I hope others have as well."

Bad Mouthing Me?? I’ll Box Your Balls In!


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20 April 2012

What was that? Are you actually interrupting my workout to… well, what is your problem anyway? You actually think a girl can’t box? That I’m too weak to train? Oh, you haven’t seen these gloves move yet, haven’t seen these lightening-fast arms in action! Keep it up, man, and I’ll show you just why you should be frightened of me… and can that trap of yours shut!

Are you STILL talking crap??! Watch it, BOY! I know what your weakness is… that seriously soft spot you have. Keep talking and I’ll take you down! I’ll show you my best swings – even resort to knee kicks if I need to – until I’ve got you lying on the ground and callin’ for mama! Ha!