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"I love your site: you are the most intelligent and sexy woman on clips4sale in my opinion, and easily the best actress."

Our Super Secret Club #6


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20 April 2021

Oh, what a day at school you’ve had! You’re such a clever one – I always knew you were more advanced than the other boys your age. And we do have important club business to attend to.

Now, is there anything else you’d like to tell me about? Dirty words? Oh, those big boys again… you think you’d like to hear some dirty words? Well, I suppose I can indulge you – with a few. You just must promise that you’ll never SAY any curse words outside the Super Secret Club. Agreed?

Okay then… now, we’re going to hold the meeting in the bedroom… and then, I’d like to know if you’d like to try a new “sex position” this time. And since those dirty words make you feel all tingly…