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"You truly control the hottest, strongest orgasms I've ever had, and the way you do it blows me away, literally."

All Men Watch Porn


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16 January 2010

FINALLY! We can get over one of the last hurdles/lies latched onto by men and women alike for all sorts of individual reasons. Research has found that all men watch porn, whether they’ve viewed it in the past are at their personal or work computer viewing it right this second. As a friend of mine pointed out excitedly, that means that I will certainly never run out of customers!

So, you silly little women who proudly claim your man isn’t that type of man, you’re incorrect! And you men who choose to continue to deny – and lie – about your own sexual habits, preferences, and tendencies, it’s time to fess up and finally embrace who you really are. After all, research has just proven it! You’ve all viewed and enjoyed pornography at some point in some specific and highly erotic form. And that’s okay. Let’s acknowledge that, and move forward! Once you all, men and women, come out of the denial closet, we can all communicate with one another better, maintain healthier, more honest relationships, and truly embrace our own human selves.

Interestingly enough, a recent study headed by Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse set out to compare men in their 20s who have viewed porn with those who have not. That was until the researchers discovered that not a single man in his 20s who had never watched porn could be found. That’s right. There absolutely is no such thing!

comic illustration porn is cheaper than dating with tissue box

The study continued, analyzing other habits of porn viewing men with what seemed to be an infinite number of porn-viewing men to study. According to “All Men Watch Porn, Scientists Find” published by the Telegraph and written by Jonathan Liew, men, on average, first viewed pornography when they were just 10 years old. Makes total sense to me. I first set eyes on porn when I was the same age and rummaging through my father’s dresser drawers to find a stack of Playboy magazines. I was fascinated by those beautiful naked female bodies… who wouldn’t be??

The study also found that single men watch about 40 minutes of porn three times a week while men in relationships watch about 20 minutes at a time and not quite twice a week. Yes, 90% of pornography consumption is via the internet these days… with the remainder being supplied by video stores.

Professor Lajeunesse concluded, “Not one subject had a pathological sexuality… In fact, all of their sexual practices were quite conventional. Pornography hasn’t changed their perception of women or their relationship, which they all want to be as harmonious and fulfilling as possible.”

Now, I guess we’ll all just have to wait to hear the statistics on women porn viewers, which has been growing steadily over the years. I think I might go view something right now.

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